Made seats and tunnel cover

I fabricated some big and small pieces from raw stock today – not a single prepunched hole to be found. First was the forward tunnel cover, which goes between the seats. For some reason this the only photo I took of it. It turned out pretty well, although if I were to make another one I'd do a better job on the fit between the diagonal forward surface of the side supports and the angled seat pans. You can see the gap that I ended up with, exaggerated in this photo because it's just sitting there loosely and isn't really being pressed down onto the surface.

Then it was on to the seats. You're basically given some corrugated alclad sheet and some angle and hinge stock, and told to go nuts. I trimmed all the angle stock to length, then cut these slots for the hinge with the bandsaw:

They don't tell you precisely where to drill every hole, so I clamped one of the angles to the seat back and marked rivet locations along the sides where they wouldn't interfere with the bent areas.

I drilled holes in the locations I marked, using a fence on the drill press to make a nice straight line. Then I progressively clamped one angle to another and match drilled until I had four side angles with identical rivet spacings. I did a similar thing for the top and bottom angles.

Much fitting and drilling later, here are the two seat backs ready for final drilling.

I'm thinking of just leaving them this way. I hear accupressure is good for the back.