In which the author has a seat

I cam home tonight and was surprised to find this big box from Classic Aero waiting for me on the porch. I opened it up to find…

Seats! They look really great. The quality appears to be outstanding.

I sprung for the fancy Aviator seats, which have adjustible lumbar supports. Gotta be comfortable when flying. These are the adjusty-knobs on the back.

Each seat has two booster cushions. We'll see, eventually, how well Mary is able to see over the nose. It may turn out that we need to add some extra cushion stuff for her to see out. Luckily Classic Aero said they'd be happy to make up some extra booster cushions if we need them.

And I even like how the colors turned out. I can't wait to sit in the fuselage and make airplane noises.

I got the seats a little earlier in the building process than most other folks seem to do, but I wanted to have them in place for fitting the rudder pedals and other stuff like that, so the airplane will be exactly set up for how I'll want it when I'm flying it.