Another coat of interior paint

I picked up a pistol grip handle made for spray cans. It certainly helps you control the spray better, and it prevents drips. And now, on to the second coat of interior paint…

I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out, even though this photo looks a lot like the other one.

I didn't do anything about the drip-spots on the floor, other than to just spray more paint on them. They're still visible, but not as much. There will be carpet here anyway so I don't really mind – what I'm really after in this area is a moisture barrier to keep rainwater and tracked-in snow off the floorboards.

I went over the problem areas with 220 grit sandpaper and a red roloc wheel before recoating. It looks pretty good – not perfect but acceptable, especially considering my lack of painting skills. I didn't bother much with flaw-hiding in the areas that will eventually be covered by the interior panels, but I want the most visible areas (baggage area and side rails, primarily) to look nice. Compare this photo with this one and you can spot the improvement.

And just because I can:

"Luke. I'm your dad. Seriously."