Fabricated canopy side skirts

This afternoon I fabricated the six pieces that form the lower canopy skirts. Here are the C-759 and C-791 pieces after being cut and deburred. I used a hole saw to cut the lighteninng holes in C-791, then went through three or four scotchbrite wheels deburring the insides of all the holes. That was kind of tedious.

I cut the C-660 side skirts out of the supplied raw sheet stock, and then painstakingly measured and marked the locations of each of the four rows of holes that go in this part. That kind of sucked because each row has a different rivet spacing, and the vertical and horizontal spacing measurements are actually given on two separate drawings. To avoid doing it all twice, I lined up both parts and match-drilled them both together at the same time.

Here's the finished result. Hey Van's, how about making these prepunched parts? This sure seems like a good application for one of those fancy CNC machines – flat sheets with lots of precisely-located holes in them.