Fiberglass canopy skirts part XI

After one last round of sanding, I'm finally happy with the shape of the doghouse:

Remember how I cast a recess out of flox for the plastic slider seal block to perfectly fit inside the doghouse? Yeah, that wasn't such a good idea. Well, it actually was a good idea, just poorly executed. I should never have tried to cast something like that without all the parts in their final positions – when I put it all on the plane, nothing fit together. So, I had to laboriously grind out most of the flox with my Dremel tool.

I put tape down to protect the fuselage, slide track, and seal block, then stuffed a new batch of flox into the open end of the doghouse and set it down over the plastic block. It's only inserted halfway because I haven't trimmed the front end per the plans yet. As long as the exterior surface is cast correctly I can dremel away any excess flox buildup inside the cavity.

While the flox is curing, the skirt is clecoed to the canopy, and the doghouse is weighted down with a bucking bar that I taped in place. This time around, everything should be in its final position while the goop dries.

But just look at the profile of that canopy skirt, eh? Eh?