The number of this beast

I called the EAA today to sign up for their builder's insurance program – you know, so in case my house burns down or gets knocked over by a tornado, I don't completely lose my considerable investment. All was well and good until the guy asked me for my N-number. I was all, "Que? It's just a pile of aluminum, not an airplane, and it doesn't have an N-number." No good, he said, you have to reserve a number before you can get insurance.

So, I spent the ten bucks and reserved a number online. I let Mary suggest a few numbers, and picked the one I thought was easiest to pronounce over the radio. Voila:


The digits are a meaningful date for us, both our initials are MB (how handy), and it's easy to say "niner mike bravo" in a hurry. As a bonus, it even has a 7 in it, as in RV-7.

I also registered a new domain name – as soon as the DNS information propagates, you should be able to access this site via