Fiberglass canopy skirts part I

I spent several days fooling around trying to form a good set of aft canopy skirts out of aluminum, and finally gave up. So now I'll try making a set out of fiberglass. To keep glue off the fuselage and canopy, I taped down plastic sheeting everywhere except the aft skirt area.

I strung packing tape between the canopy and top fuselage skin. This will become the mold on which I'll lay up the fiberglass, thus hopefully making the new skirts fit the canopy nicely. Before I put the tape down, I sketched a line on the fuselage skin to give me something to aim at when laying up glass.

Clear things are hard to take pictures of. Here's another photo:

I cut out some pieces of 9- and 6-ounce bid cloth, using the metal canopy skirt pieces as a rough guide.

When I get a block of time I'll break out the epoxy and do a big huge layup.