Flap motor wiring

Since I had one of the required components in hand already, I decided to also work on the flap motor and associated wiring this weekend. Here I've mounted the flap positioning system control box on the new backrest brace:

Here's another view to show how it stands off from the underlying rivets, thanks to a few nylon washers. That dimpled hole in the foreground is for mounting an adel clamp.

As I previously threatened, I cut the wire harness between the control box and position sensor and crimped on some connectors. Now the motor and control box don't have to both come out of the fuselage at the same time.

Since the flap motor is now no longer permanently tethered to anything else, I couldn't think of a reason not to (semi) permanently attach it to the flap actuator channel. This photo is proof that I did put the cotter pin in:

Then I spent several hours running wires to the flap switch and pulling wires back to the flap motor. Properly bundling and securing new wires takes me about ten minutes per linear foot per wire (longer if I have to drill new grommet holes or install new clamps or tie wrap anchors) so consequently this took all afternoon. I left the flap switch hanging from the panel for now, since there's no need to go to the trouble of bolting it in place for an electrical test.

Once I had all the connectors installed, I plugged it in and gave it a floor run… it works! Bump the switch, and the flaps move one notch up or down. Nice. I'll clean up the wires in a future work session.